'Tis the Season for...STRESS

The holiday season can be absolutely magical! We often see the best of humanity. We are more attuned to examples of generosity, hope, and compassion. Strangers taking a risk to help one another. Stories that warm our hearts. But it is also a time that can be very stressful and overwhelming. What makes this time of year such a hotbed for distress?


#Goals…As the year comes to a close, we naturally become reflective. We being to take account of the past year. Are you where you thought you would be by now? Have you accomplished all the goals you set out to reach in January?


Family…for many of us, this is a time of year we get to reconnect with family. This can be a celebrated time to engage in honored family traditions and catch up with the ones we love, but it can also be overwhelming. Getting the perfect gifts for everyone in time for the holiday. The stress of a family gathering, keeping the peace between all the relatives, navigating political (or equally tricky the "why aren't you…dating/married/giving me grandchildren") conversations. Our family can remind us of what we are striving towards or away from.


Lack of Family…for those who live far away from home and do not get to see family over the holidays, this can be a particularly lonely time. In a world of Love Actually and It's a Wonderful Life, it can feel especially lonely if you do not have loved ones to spend the holiday with or if your loved ones have passed away. The holiday season, Thanksgiving through New Years, is a time we often remember those we have lost. Their absence in our lives becomes even more present this time of year, as it is a time we would often spend together. 


S.A.D. …Seasonal Affective Disorder - The days are shorter, and we spend more time in darkness…literally. We often get outside less because of the cold and shortened daylight. People tend to be less active. All of this breeds feelings of fatigue, low energy, a desire to stay in rather than go out and socialize.


Perfectionism…Many of us feel the pressure to be at a certain place in our lives, or at the very least to give that impression to others. This time of year, when we catch up with family members, attend holiday office holiday parties, and review our year can leave people feeling they do not measure up. There is nothing to remind you what you have/have not accomplished like small talk with distant relatives/acquaintances. "So, what have you been up to since I saw you last?" "Are you still at that same job?"


This time of year is a wonderful season. It is a time for fun, family, and hopefully things are slower at work. However, it is also totally normal for it to be a stressful time of year. If this post resonates with you, know that you are not alone! Be gentle and compassionate with yourself. No one can be everything to everyone. It is part of the human experience to feel alone or out of place at times, and believe it or not…you are in good company.


If you are feeling alone, struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts. Do not suffer alone. Reach out to your family, friends, a mental health professional, or contact a crisis hotline (1-800-273-8255).

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